30 Days of Grocery Shopping, Feingold Style

Last month, I posted a couple of my shopping trips on All Natural Mom’s Facebook page. Everyone wanted to know how long this food would last us. I took a picture of every shopping trip for about 30 days to show what a typical month’s worth of groceries looks like and how long the food […]

Feingold Shopping Lists 2012

Shopping Lists (March, 2012) These are just my own personal shopping lists for our family, not a complete Feingold shopping guide.  That’s a book.  Please use as a guide and not a Bible!  (I listed my shopping lists a few years ago.  I haven’t even looked at that one recently, but these are my lists […]

My Feingold Shopping Lists – 2009

Note:  I posted an updated shopping list as of March, 2012.  This is a separate list from the one below.  I’m leaving this list below b/c there are some items that we no longer eat now b/c of allergies (to dairy) that I did not list in the newer shopping list.  But, there are some newer products that are listed in the 2012 […]