Jesus Makes A House Call

I went to a writing seminar and was given the assignment to write 100 short stories pertaining to our own lives by the end of summer.  So, I decided to write 100 Answers to Prayer.   I thought I’d post a few of them.  I love hearing how God has worked in other peoples’ lives and thought these might be an encouragement to someone else as well.

These are true stories about my crazy life.  🙂  Some people don’t believe that there is a God or that He answers prayer.  I hope these stories challenge you to pray and find out for yourself. 

Jesus Makes a House Call

It was 8 o’clock in the morning.  A
wave of panic fell over me.  I realized
as I looked around my house, that I had fallen asleep the night before without
picking up.  The house was a mess, as
usual. I was tired, overwhelmed, and 6 months pregnant with our third child. 
Our real estate agent had called the night before.  Someone was coming to look at the house that
afternoon.  We had been trying to sell
the house for the last 5 months so we could move in to the new one that was
almost done being built.  I didn’t know
how I was going to get it all done by 2pm. 
I was tired of cleaning the house for showings and I was ready to plop
on the floor and give up.  I needed help.

I remembered someone talking about how God is in heaven waiting for us to
cry out to Him when we are in distress.  
They said to picture God having a line of ambulances waiting, and that
when we called on Him, he sent one down from heaven.  As I squinted into the mirror in my bathroom
that morning, I looked up to heaven and said out loud, “Help!”

Just then, the doorbell rang.  Who
in the world was ringing my doorbell at 8 o’clock in the morning?  I opened the door and it was my
babysitter.  Just then I remembered that
I had recently asked her to start coming twice a week instead of once a week.

Written by Sheri Fortes - Visit Website

Author of "All Natural Mom's Guide to the Feingold Diet"

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