Reader’s Choice

I have a terrible habit of starting posts and not finishing them!  I have a few half finished posts in my editing pages.  I get a lot of e-mails about the Feingold Diet, so I planned to write more on that topic this year, as I can see the earnest desire in many parents to help their […]

Feingold Shopping Lists 2012

Shopping Lists (March, 2012) These are just my own personal shopping lists for our family, not a complete Feingold shopping guide.  That’s a book.  Please use as a guide and not a Bible!  (I listed my shopping lists a few years ago.  I haven’t even looked at that one recently, but these are my lists […]

A Feingold Vacation – Menu Planning

Just got back from Disney – my favorite place!  I’m going to post on how to do Disney on a special diet but first thought I’d post my menu plan I made for the week.  I did this before we left so that I could give my mom a shopping list.  FYI:  My oldest (C) […]

Our Favorite Snacks

I haven’t updated my shopping lists for a while, and there have been a lot of new foods added to the market since then, so I thought I’d list a few of our favorites as of late.  Seems like it changes every few months with my kids.  Some of these aren’t listed in Feingold’s shopping guide, […]

Feingold Q & A – Road Trip

I get asked a lot of questions about the Feingold Diet so I thought I’d start posting some common questions about Feingold and how we have dealt with the situations.  Feel free to send me your questions, and as I have time, I’ll post them so that everyone can learn from them.     Question:   We just recently went out […]

All Natural Couponing

OK, I’ve been watching too many shows of Extreme Couponing on TLC!  I once tried to coupon a couple of years ago but I gave up because I thought it took too much time and many of the coupons were for foods that we don’t eat, but I’ve changed my mind!  Once I saw this […]

Back to Feingold Stage 1

After 5 years on the Feingold Diet, we are going back to stage 1.  Stage 1 is where you start at for the first 6 weeks of the diet and you eliminate high salicylate foods.  After the initial 6 weeks, you can add back in stage 2 items one at a time and watch for reactions.  […]

A Feingold Halloween

Feingold approved candy: Yummy Earth candy drops – pomegranate and root beer flavored, Sunspire Sundrops (like M&M’s), Yummy Earth suckers, B-Fresh bubble gum (Solar Moon Melon, Spearmint), St. Claire’s tarts (like sweet tarts), Yummy Earth gummy bears, Enjoy Life Choco Boom Bar (like a Crackle bar).  Not pictured (they were already casualties):  Surf Sweet gummy […]