I have a terrible habit of starting posts and not finishing them! I have a few half finished posts in my editing pages. I get a lot of e-mails about the Feingold Diet, so I planned to write more on that topic this year, as I can see the earnest desire in many parents to help their […]
Category Archives: Feingold Diet
Feingold Shopping Lists 2012
Shopping Lists (March, 2012) These are just my own personal shopping lists for our family, not a complete Feingold shopping guide. That’s a book. Please use as a guide and not a Bible! (I listed my shopping lists a few years ago. I haven’t even looked at that one recently, but these are my lists […]
A Feingold Vacation – Menu Planning
Just got back from Disney – my favorite place! I’m going to post on how to do Disney on a special diet but first thought I’d post my menu plan I made for the week. I did this before we left so that I could give my mom a shopping list. FYI: My oldest (C) […]
Our Favorite Snacks
I haven’t updated my shopping lists for a while, and there have been a lot of new foods added to the market since then, so I thought I’d list a few of our favorites as of late. Seems like it changes every few months with my kids. Some of these aren’t listed in Feingold’s shopping guide, […]
Feingold Q & A – Road Trip
I get asked a lot of questions about the Feingold Diet so I thought I’d start posting some common questions about Feingold and how we have dealt with the situations. Feel free to send me your questions, and as I have time, I’ll post them so that everyone can learn from them. Question: We just recently went out […]
All Natural Couponing
OK, I’ve been watching too many shows of Extreme Couponing on TLC! I once tried to coupon a couple of years ago but I gave up because I thought it took too much time and many of the coupons were for foods that we don’t eat, but I’ve changed my mind! Once I saw this […]
Write the USDA about Food Dyes In School Lunches
Below is an e-mail I received this week from The Feingold Association. We have two days (nice of them to give so much time), to write the USDA to let them know how we would like to see school lunches. Feingold is asking people to write to tell them that we want to see food dyes […]
Back to Feingold Stage 1
After 5 years on the Feingold Diet, we are going back to stage 1. Stage 1 is where you start at for the first 6 weeks of the diet and you eliminate high salicylate foods. After the initial 6 weeks, you can add back in stage 2 items one at a time and watch for reactions. […]
A Feingold Halloween
Feingold approved candy: Yummy Earth candy drops – pomegranate and root beer flavored, Sunspire Sundrops (like M&M’s), Yummy Earth suckers, B-Fresh bubble gum (Solar Moon Melon, Spearmint), St. Claire’s tarts (like sweet tarts), Yummy Earth gummy bears, Enjoy Life Choco Boom Bar (like a Crackle bar). Not pictured (they were already casualties): Surf Sweet gummy […]