I could have labeled this post “How to Prevent Autism” because I do believe a woman can greatly reduce her chances of having a child with autism by taking care of herself before and during pregnancy. But, in striving for an all natural pregancy, you can reduce a whole host of other issues as well. […]
Tag Archives: Our Homebirth Stories
Announcing Brooklyn Grace!
All Natural Mom of 3 becomes All Natural Mom of 4! Brooklyn Grace was born safely at home on my due date, September 14th, 2010, at 5:08am. Yes, I was up all night. Not a quickie like I had hoped for. 14 hours of labor, 13 of those being with very mild contractions, and about 2 […]
Lynsey’s Homebirth Story
Lynsey’s Home Birth Story August 1st, 2003 After hearing too many times that my bouncing off the walls, never stop, energizer bunny son was “all boy”, I was determined that my next child would be “all girl”. Two years before she was even born, I painted our spare bedroom pink. With my first child, I had read the book, “Taking […]
Cody’s Homebirth Story
Part of the reason I decided on homebirth was because of reading dozens of birth stories online. I think http://www.childbirth.org/ had the most, and they group them so you can read homebirth stories, hospital, C-section,etc. Nearly every story I read about homebirth seemed about 100 times better than all the other hospital birth stories. The hospital stories […]
Why We Decided To Have Home Births
All 4 of my kids were born at home with a midwife, with no drugs. I never imagined myself giving birth without drugs at home, but after I got married and we were thinking about concieving, I decided to read up on pregnancy and childbirth. I started reading on a web site called http://www.babycenter.com/, which […]