Banana Muffins (GFCF) – Feingold Stage One

1 1/3 cup GF flour blend * (I’m assuming you could use regular flour here too but I’ve never tried it.)
2 tsp baking powder (I use Rumford Aluminum Free)
1/4 tsp baking soda (I use Bob’s Red Mill)
1/2 tsp salt (I use Redmond’s Real Sea Salt)
1/3 cup coconut oil or Spectrum shortening*
2/3 cup sugar (I use C& H or organic)
2 well beaten eggs (I use 1/3 cup of carbonated water instead)
1 cup mashed banana (about 2 large or 3 small bananas)
3/4 cup chocolate chips (Enjoy Life  (CF) or Ghiradelli – optional)
1/2 cup of walnuts in small pieces (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Combine dry ingredients (first 4 ingredients) and set aside.  Cream together coconut oil and sugar.  Add beaten eggs or egg replacer and mix well.   Alternate adding the mashed banana and dry ingredients until combined.  Stir in chocolate chips or walnuts if you are using them.

Spoon into greased or lined muffin cups and bake for approx. 25
minutes.  Makes 11 to 12 muffins.  I usually leave the chocolate chips out and then sometimes add them to the top when we defrost them, and make a smiley face with them.

I’ve used Carol Fenster’s New Flour Blend (makes 4 ½ cups)
·        1 ½ cups sorghum flour
·        1 ½ cups potato flour/starch
·        1 cup tapioca flour
·        ½ cup almond flour (stage two)

Lately, I’ve been using the flour mix from the “Cooking for Isaiah” cookbook for everything. It’s the best gluten free flour mix I’ve ever used but you do have to mix it yourself. 
I use Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil from  The expeller pressed has no odor or aftertaste and is good for cooking. 
We also like Anna’s Banana Bread mix, which we make into muffins.  For egg replacer, use 2 TB of ground flax seed and 7 TB of boiling water.  Let sit for 15 minutes. 
Feingold Stage 1 (if you use a flour without almond flour in it.)  

For more info on the Feingold Diet, check out my new book, “All Natural Mom’s Guide to the Feingold Diet – A Natural Approach to ADHD” available now on Amazon!

Written by Sheri Fortes - Visit Website

Author of "All Natural Mom's Guide to the Feingold Diet"

Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram

The Treating ADHD Naturally Conference is coming back to Chicago May 23, 2018! More details coming soon at

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