World’s Greatest Mom Cookbook (Kid friendly Feingold stage one recipes that will make your kids think you are the World’s Greatest Mom. 🙂 Some recipes can be made stage one or stage two. Please read the notes.) I’ve updated my personal cookbook and organized one with only stage one recipes to make it easier for […]
Category Archives: Feingold Diet
Feingold and GFCF (Gluten and Dairy Free) Recipes
The All Natural GFCF Kids Cookbook (Kid friendly gluten and casein/dairy free recipes with all natural ingredients. Most recipes are also soy and egg free and Feingold acceptable to the best of my knowledge.) I’ve updated my personal GFCF (and Feingold) cookbook and put it into a PDF document. Each recipe is on a separate […]
How To Implement the Feingold Diet
As a follow up to my first book, “All Natural Mom’s Guide to the Feingold Diet – A Natural Approach to ADHD” available now on Amazon, I’ve started writing my next book… How to Implement the Feingold Diet And Live a Natural Lifestyle with Kids By Sheri Davis Table of contents and intro below. […]
6 Steps to Starting the Feingold Diet for ADHD
OK the holidays are over and you’ve just spent the last several days with your kids at home and you’re thinking to yourself, “Something has got to change.” So you get online and start googling something like “natural treatments for ADHD” or “dyes and hyperactivity.” Eventually you’ll come across the Feingold Diet or removing dyes […]
All Natural Mom’s Guide to the Feingold Diet Now Available on Kindle!
Drumroll please!….All Natural Mom’s Guide to the Feingold Diet e-book is now available on Amazon!!! This book is a must read for all parents! It teaches you how to read labels to avoid some of the most detrimental additives such as dyes, artificial flavors, and certain preservatives which can cause ADHD-like behaviors. It explains the […]
One Mom’s Experience With Tourette Syndrome, Tics, and the Feingold Diet
(This is not a picture of Ben. It is a child actor playing Ben.) 🙂 Today’s post is a guest post from Marlene. Marlene stumbled upon the Feingold Diet while looking for ways to help her son with his tics. On Facebook, she has been posting 100 days of happiness. Below you will find two […]
Not Quite Ready to Start the Feingold Diet Yet?
30 Simple Changes Anyone Can Make I wanted to give some examples that anyone, regardless of if they choose to do the Feingold Diet or not can make. I’ve listed some brand names below. Ingredients can change at any time, so please be mindful of that. If you’re a Feingold member, please refer to […]
Supplements for Feingold Kids Who Can’t Swallow Pills
I get asked about supplements a lot and specifically, “What is the best multivitamin to use on the Feingold Diet?” We don’t use a multivitamin here for a few reasons. For one, most multivitamins for young kids (meaning ones that cannot swallow pills), are often the fruity gummy varieties, which are Feingold stage two. We […]
Food Allergies and the Church Nursery
I had a good laugh today when I picked up my 3-year old from the nursery after my Bible study. I was told that the child care director said to tell me that I was no longer “allowed” to send in potato chips for my daughter for snack because the other kids wanted them. I […]