I think the
biggest fear of those considering the Feingold Diet is, “Am I going to have to
spend a lot of time in the kitchen?” Yes
and no. If you have the money, you can
buy all the food you need and spend a minimal amount of time in the
biggest fear of those considering the Feingold Diet is, “Am I going to have to
spend a lot of time in the kitchen?” Yes
and no. If you have the money, you can
buy all the food you need and spend a minimal amount of time in the
However, if
you’re strapped for cash, or if your kids want something that you can’t buy at
the store, you end up making it. At
first, the thought of making your food from scratch can seem daunting.
you’re strapped for cash, or if your kids want something that you can’t buy at
the store, you end up making it. At
first, the thought of making your food from scratch can seem daunting.
When I first
got the Feingold program material, I didn’t at all feel like I had to make a
lot of food from scratch. There were so
many foods in the shopping guide that my son could eat and liked. My grocery bill can attest to that. It just seemed like a substitution of
brands. Instead of Cheetos, we got Trader
Joe’s Cheese Crunchies. Instead of Kraft
Mac-N-Cheese, it was Annie’s mac-n-cheese.
Instead of apple juice, it was lemonade.
I was relieved to have a list to shop off of that I knew was healthier
and was not going to cause him problems.
There were even some fast food and pizza options. Thank goodness!
got the Feingold program material, I didn’t at all feel like I had to make a
lot of food from scratch. There were so
many foods in the shopping guide that my son could eat and liked. My grocery bill can attest to that. It just seemed like a substitution of
brands. Instead of Cheetos, we got Trader
Joe’s Cheese Crunchies. Instead of Kraft
Mac-N-Cheese, it was Annie’s mac-n-cheese.
Instead of apple juice, it was lemonade.
I was relieved to have a list to shop off of that I knew was healthier
and was not going to cause him problems.
There were even some fast food and pizza options. Thank goodness!
Partly out
of necessity, and partly out of a sincere desire to feed my family better, I started
looking for and experimenting with recipes for meals. I dug out cookbooks (my mom had a boatload),
and my son and I had fun going through them together. Of
course, he picked out all the desserts, and begged me to make them for
of necessity, and partly out of a sincere desire to feed my family better, I started
looking for and experimenting with recipes for meals. I dug out cookbooks (my mom had a boatload),
and my son and I had fun going through them together. Of
course, he picked out all the desserts, and begged me to make them for
This was big
fun for a 4 year old. He loved all the
attention. I was making new foods just
for him. The reward of him enjoying what
I made stirred me on to make more.
fun for a 4 year old. He loved all the
attention. I was making new foods just
for him. The reward of him enjoying what
I made stirred me on to make more.
Now, was I
good cook before starting Feingold?
Ummm…no. My sister loved to ask
my husband, “What’s for dinner? Spaghettios or mac-n-cheese?” She thought she was so funny. Now, her daughter begs her to make food she’s had at our house. 🙂
good cook before starting Feingold?
Ummm…no. My sister loved to ask
my husband, “What’s for dinner? Spaghettios or mac-n-cheese?” She thought she was so funny. Now, her daughter begs her to make food she’s had at our house. 🙂
But, if you can read, you can cook. It might take two or three tries to get a
recipe just right, but in the end, nobody knows you failed your first two
attempts. It still takes me a couple
tries to get a new recipe just right.
Success is built upon past failures.
You learn from your mistakes and move on.
So, slowly,
I started making new things. Not because
I necessarily had to, but because I actually found it fun and rewarding. When you’ve started at a place where you have
never cooked much, to a place of, “I can make marshmallows and donuts and
homemade treats that my kids love”, you feel like you can accomplish
I started making new things. Not because
I necessarily had to, but because I actually found it fun and rewarding. When you’ve started at a place where you have
never cooked much, to a place of, “I can make marshmallows and donuts and
homemade treats that my kids love”, you feel like you can accomplish
Now, instead
of looking up a substitute for a food that my kids want, I look for a
recipe. I think, “I can make that.” It’s a whole lot cheaper and healthier
too. A GFCF cupcake at Whole Foods costs
$3.99! My kids are just as happy with a
homemade banana muffin with fancy frosting designs and adding their own
sprinkles. My son showed off his
decorated “cupcake” at a party this past weekend. Besides, you can’t add love to a cupcake
bought at Whole Foods.
of looking up a substitute for a food that my kids want, I look for a
recipe. I think, “I can make that.” It’s a whole lot cheaper and healthier
too. A GFCF cupcake at Whole Foods costs
$3.99! My kids are just as happy with a
homemade banana muffin with fancy frosting designs and adding their own
sprinkles. My son showed off his
decorated “cupcake” at a party this past weekend. Besides, you can’t add love to a cupcake
bought at Whole Foods.
When you’re
baking and cooking with your kids, you’re not only saving money and creating
food for them to eat, you’re making memories.
I sometimes have to remind myself of this when one of my kids anxiously
turns on the mixer before I’m ready and flour goes flying everywhere, or they
cut out their own cookies, making some very imperfect shaped cookies. Sometimes through gritted teeth, I have to
say to myself, “I’m making memories, not just cookies.” If I’m making desserts for a party or for a
function, or I’m just short on patience that day, then I just let the kids know
that Mommy’s going to make it by herself this time.
baking and cooking with your kids, you’re not only saving money and creating
food for them to eat, you’re making memories.
I sometimes have to remind myself of this when one of my kids anxiously
turns on the mixer before I’m ready and flour goes flying everywhere, or they
cut out their own cookies, making some very imperfect shaped cookies. Sometimes through gritted teeth, I have to
say to myself, “I’m making memories, not just cookies.” If I’m making desserts for a party or for a
function, or I’m just short on patience that day, then I just let the kids know
that Mommy’s going to make it by herself this time.
My youngest
three kids and I are now also GFCF (gluten and dairy free) and egg free, so meals take on a
whole new dimension. There are basically
no fast food options. We’re eating at
home for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts, most of which are from
scratch. Good thing Feingold broke the
ice because I would have been up a creek.
We were already used to bringing our own food and cooking some things at
home, but this was a new challenge.
three kids and I are now also GFCF (gluten and dairy free) and egg free, so meals take on a
whole new dimension. There are basically
no fast food options. We’re eating at
home for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts, most of which are from
scratch. Good thing Feingold broke the
ice because I would have been up a creek.
We were already used to bringing our own food and cooking some things at
home, but this was a new challenge.
I found
myself cooking constantly and by means of mere survival, I’ve had to find ways to
reduce my time in the kitchen. I also
recently read a couple books on how to save time and consequently how to save
money, and found that I was doing some of these things already. Yay me!
myself cooking constantly and by means of mere survival, I’ve had to find ways to
reduce my time in the kitchen. I also
recently read a couple books on how to save time and consequently how to save
money, and found that I was doing some of these things already. Yay me!
Now, I still
spend more time than I’d like in the kitchen, but I figure it’s for a
season. My kids are young now and soon
they’ll be grown, able to help out in the kitchen, and then off to college. Then I’ll wish I had someone to cook
for. So, we’ll make it through one day and
one meal at a time, with God’s help.
It’s isn’t always easy, but somehow we make it all work. – Quote from 19
Kids and Counting. J I’m really missing
their shows. Wish they’d come back on
spend more time than I’d like in the kitchen, but I figure it’s for a
season. My kids are young now and soon
they’ll be grown, able to help out in the kitchen, and then off to college. Then I’ll wish I had someone to cook
for. So, we’ll make it through one day and
one meal at a time, with God’s help.
It’s isn’t always easy, but somehow we make it all work. – Quote from 19
Kids and Counting. J I’m really missing
their shows. Wish they’d come back on
Also, if you
start to feel overwhelmed, go and watch some 19 Kids and Counting shows on TLC. You’ll feel a lot better! Can you imagine cooking for 19 kids?! Talk about anxiety. I walk away feeling thankful that I only have
four kids to feed and take care of. And
they do it so well!
start to feel overwhelmed, go and watch some 19 Kids and Counting shows on TLC. You’ll feel a lot better! Can you imagine cooking for 19 kids?! Talk about anxiety. I walk away feeling thankful that I only have
four kids to feed and take care of. And
they do it so well!
Anyways, below
are some tips and ideas for saving a little time in the kitchen that have
worked well for us. Some people are
wired differently so do what works best for you, but these have been helpful
for me.
are some tips and ideas for saving a little time in the kitchen that have
worked well for us. Some people are
wired differently so do what works best for you, but these have been helpful
for me.
14 Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen
Don’t be shy. Make
double or triple batches. This
thought never occurred to me when I had only 2 or 3 kids, but when I had 4, it
became a must. You’ll save time by
doubling your batches and freezing them.
Of course, make sure it’s something that your kids really like and are
likely to go through, and I wouldn’t try this the first time you try a recipe. Pancakes are the easiest to do this with. We use Aunt Jemima Original pancake mix (not the Complete where you just add water).
Don’t be shy. Make
double or triple batches. This
thought never occurred to me when I had only 2 or 3 kids, but when I had 4, it
became a must. You’ll save time by
doubling your batches and freezing them.
Of course, make sure it’s something that your kids really like and are
likely to go through, and I wouldn’t try this the first time you try a recipe. Pancakes are the easiest to do this with. We use Aunt Jemima Original pancake mix (not the Complete where you just add water).
If the recipe doesn’t double easily, make two batches back to back. You’ll save time by having all the
ingredients out already and being familiar with the recipe and you’ll save on
clean up time. If you made them on two
separate days, you’d have twice as much to clean up.
ingredients out already and being familiar with the recipe and you’ll save on
clean up time. If you made them on two
separate days, you’d have twice as much to clean up.
If you’re making bread a lot, buy two loaf pans and make two loaves at
the same time. Freeze one of them (slice
it first). When I make pancakes, I make
a quadruple batch because we go through them.
Don’t stack them when you freeze them or they’ll stick together. We go through a lot of muffins and homemade
popsicles too.
the same time. Freeze one of them (slice
it first). When I make pancakes, I make
a quadruple batch because we go through them.
Don’t stack them when you freeze them or they’ll stick together. We go through a lot of muffins and homemade
popsicles too.
Going along with number 1 – Get an
extra freezer. Though this will cost
you money up front, I don’t know what I’d do without mine. I actually have 4! I have one big 21 cubic foot upright freezer
in our play room. I love it. It comes with an alarm if the freezer is left
open. When we first started Feingold, we
had the kids leave the freezer door open four times within a few months, having
all the food spoil. “Why God?!” was all
I could say the fourth time.
Going along with number 1 – Get an
extra freezer. Though this will cost
you money up front, I don’t know what I’d do without mine. I actually have 4! I have one big 21 cubic foot upright freezer
in our play room. I love it. It comes with an alarm if the freezer is left
open. When we first started Feingold, we
had the kids leave the freezer door open four times within a few months, having
all the food spoil. “Why God?!” was all
I could say the fourth time.
But, having an extra freezer allows me to stock up on things that go on
sale or things that I use a lot, so I’m spending less time at the store. It also allows me to freeze lots of
things. When my kids are hungry, they
often go straight to the freezer, not the pantry.
sale or things that I use a lot, so I’m spending less time at the store. It also allows me to freeze lots of
things. When my kids are hungry, they
often go straight to the freezer, not the pantry.
My sister’s power went out this summer and she said she put everything
from her freezer in a big cooler. I had
to laugh. I’d need about 10 coolers to
fit all our food. Praying we never have
a black out. I also order grass fed beef
so I need a place to store that.
from her freezer in a big cooler. I had
to laugh. I’d need about 10 coolers to
fit all our food. Praying we never have
a black out. I also order grass fed beef
so I need a place to store that.
Freeze everything!
I’ve frozen leftover pizza to have on hand for parties, French toast,
pancakes, muffins, bagels, frosted cupcakes, soft pretzels, cinnamon rolls,
cake slices, chicken nuggets, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, soups, sauces for
chicken recipes, chili, beef stew, chicken stew, brownies, frosting, sliced
bread, bananas and canned pineapple for smoothies, strawberries that go on
sale, homemade pear sauce for recipes, smoothies for the baby (I put in ice
cube trays to freeze and then store in a zip lock bag), meatballs, etc. My freezer is full of zip lock freezer bags. Make sure you label everything though with
the name and date. Very important!
Freeze everything!
I’ve frozen leftover pizza to have on hand for parties, French toast,
pancakes, muffins, bagels, frosted cupcakes, soft pretzels, cinnamon rolls,
cake slices, chicken nuggets, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, soups, sauces for
chicken recipes, chili, beef stew, chicken stew, brownies, frosting, sliced
bread, bananas and canned pineapple for smoothies, strawberries that go on
sale, homemade pear sauce for recipes, smoothies for the baby (I put in ice
cube trays to freeze and then store in a zip lock bag), meatballs, etc. My freezer is full of zip lock freezer bags. Make sure you label everything though with
the name and date. Very important!
To freeze some things like frosted cupcakes, you first want to put them
on a plate and place in the freezer for about 30-60 minutes, or until the
frosting is set. Then transfer them to a
zip lock freezer bag. These defrost
quickly (30-60 minutes), or my kids have taken a liking to frozen muffins. They claim they like them better this way,
but I think they just lack patience.
on a plate and place in the freezer for about 30-60 minutes, or until the
frosting is set. Then transfer them to a
zip lock freezer bag. These defrost
quickly (30-60 minutes), or my kids have taken a liking to frozen muffins. They claim they like them better this way,
but I think they just lack patience.
Double or triple your spice
combinations, and
store for later use. I do this for taco
seasoning, hamburger seasoning, red potato seasoning, chicken fajitas, garlic
lime chicken, etc. When I go to make
these, I cut down my prep time by not having to make the spice combinations
right then and there. This saves a lot
of time and reduces the stress of making dinner. It’s just as easy as using a package of
McCormick seasoning.
Double or triple your spice
combinations, and
store for later use. I do this for taco
seasoning, hamburger seasoning, red potato seasoning, chicken fajitas, garlic
lime chicken, etc. When I go to make
these, I cut down my prep time by not having to make the spice combinations
right then and there. This saves a lot
of time and reduces the stress of making dinner. It’s just as easy as using a package of
McCormick seasoning.
I also keep on hand all the ingredients needed to make chicken nuggets
and chicken tenders in a glass jar. Then
I keep a large zip lock bag full of crushed Erewhon rice krispy cereal since I
use them in several recipes. I took 3
boxes of the cereal and crushed them up one day in my food processor.
and chicken tenders in a glass jar. Then
I keep a large zip lock bag full of crushed Erewhon rice krispy cereal since I
use them in several recipes. I took 3
boxes of the cereal and crushed them up one day in my food processor.
Make ahead.
Anything you can make ahead of time, do it. How does this save you time? If you can make a marinade for tomorrow’s
dinner after the kids are in bed, and not crawling around at your feet or
calling for you to make them more juice, or to come outside to see the giant
bug, you will go faster and save time.
Less interruptions means less time in the kitchen. I also do this during nap time. Although I won’t be making dinner for another
couple of hours, I know this is the only time I won’t have the baby, so I get
as much done for dinner as I can.
Make ahead.
Anything you can make ahead of time, do it. How does this save you time? If you can make a marinade for tomorrow’s
dinner after the kids are in bed, and not crawling around at your feet or
calling for you to make them more juice, or to come outside to see the giant
bug, you will go faster and save time.
Less interruptions means less time in the kitchen. I also do this during nap time. Although I won’t be making dinner for another
couple of hours, I know this is the only time I won’t have the baby, so I get
as much done for dinner as I can.
If you’re going to need fresh lemon juice, do that now. If you need to make a sauce for dinner, make
it now and put it in the fridge. Get
everything out that you’re going to need while the baby is sleeping. It also just feels better when you work ahead
and have as much done before you actually need it as possible. Less stress equals happier Mommy.
it now and put it in the fridge. Get
everything out that you’re going to need while the baby is sleeping. It also just feels better when you work ahead
and have as much done before you actually need it as possible. Less stress equals happier Mommy.
Plan your meals.
Now I can’t say that I’ve got this down yet, but I did do this while we
were on vacation for a week at a timeshare that had a full kitchen. I came prepared with a spreadsheet of every
single meal for each day. I then had all
the spices prepared and labeled for each meal that I needed. When the kids woke up and my mom asked me
what was for breakfast and what we needed to pack for lunch for the day, I just
said, “I don’t know. Check the
Plan your meals.
Now I can’t say that I’ve got this down yet, but I did do this while we
were on vacation for a week at a timeshare that had a full kitchen. I came prepared with a spreadsheet of every
single meal for each day. I then had all
the spices prepared and labeled for each meal that I needed. When the kids woke up and my mom asked me
what was for breakfast and what we needed to pack for lunch for the day, I just
said, “I don’t know. Check the
I don’t function well in the morning, so it takes a lot of focus and
concentration to remember what the kids had the day before so I don’t feed them
the same thing. I loved being able to
just look at the menu. We also knew what
foods we needed to have on hand and what to buy at the store so we saved a lot
of money there.
concentration to remember what the kids had the day before so I don’t feed them
the same thing. I loved being able to
just look at the menu. We also knew what
foods we needed to have on hand and what to buy at the store so we saved a lot
of money there.
On other vacations, I didn’t plan, and the day we left Florida, we threw
out so much food. It took me a long time
to make that menu plan (and shopping list), but I know it would only get easier
with practice, and as meals would repeat.
I hope to start doing this when school starts.
out so much food. It took me a long time
to make that menu plan (and shopping list), but I know it would only get easier
with practice, and as meals would repeat.
I hope to start doing this when school starts.
My daughter is also big on schedules and routine. She would probably thrive with this
system. She’s always saying, “I’m
hungry!” despite eating constantly, and then rummaging through the freezer
looking for a snack. If I had a schedule
that she helped me make, she could just look on the menu.
system. She’s always saying, “I’m
hungry!” despite eating constantly, and then rummaging through the freezer
looking for a snack. If I had a schedule
that she helped me make, she could just look on the menu.
Enlist the help of family or friends.
My mom will often make cookies or pancakes for me. Sometimes she’ll just come over to my house
so she can use all of my ingredients, or sometimes I’ve made up a zip lock bag
of all the dry ingredients and given her the recipe. She already knows what kind of butter, milk,
etc. to use that is acceptable. I started typing up my favorite recipes for the
very purpose of getting help with making them!
I wanted my husband or my mom to be able to make them too so I tried to
be as specific as possible and list brands that I use.
Enlist the help of family or friends.
My mom will often make cookies or pancakes for me. Sometimes she’ll just come over to my house
so she can use all of my ingredients, or sometimes I’ve made up a zip lock bag
of all the dry ingredients and given her the recipe. She already knows what kind of butter, milk,
etc. to use that is acceptable. I started typing up my favorite recipes for the
very purpose of getting help with making them!
I wanted my husband or my mom to be able to make them too so I tried to
be as specific as possible and list brands that I use.
Recipe: Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies
Many churches also have meals ministries made up of ladies who love to
bless others by cooking for them. Don’t
be afraid to ask for a little help if you really need it. They will likely be honored to help because
that is probably their spiritual gift. You
will just have to be specific in telling them what ingredients to use.
bless others by cooking for them. Don’t
be afraid to ask for a little help if you really need it. They will likely be honored to help because
that is probably their spiritual gift. You
will just have to be specific in telling them what ingredients to use.
Have a cooking day.
Get your husband or even a babysitter to watch the kids one day, and
spend a couple hours cooking and baking so that you can stock your
freezer. Some days I feel like cooking
and some days I absolutely do not. Those
are the days when I’m really glad my freezer is stocked. When you do feel like cooking, take advantage
of that, and get it done.
Have a cooking day.
Get your husband or even a babysitter to watch the kids one day, and
spend a couple hours cooking and baking so that you can stock your
freezer. Some days I feel like cooking
and some days I absolutely do not. Those
are the days when I’m really glad my freezer is stocked. When you do feel like cooking, take advantage
of that, and get it done.
Take a day off.
I try not to cook on Sunday unless I just really feel like it for fun. God says to rest one day of the week so I try
to. It doesn’t always happen but I’m
working on it. On Sundays, we usually
opt for either leftovers or some kind of Ian’s or Amy’s frozen products like
chicken nuggets or patties, microwavable meals, soup, etc. It is expensive, but still cheaper than
eating out which is what we usually did before.
You’ll feel much more refreshed and ready to go on Monday. Monday’s are usually my cooking days where I
try to get a lot of stuff done in the kitchen.
I usually just feel like cooking, probably because I’ve taken a
Take a day off.
I try not to cook on Sunday unless I just really feel like it for fun. God says to rest one day of the week so I try
to. It doesn’t always happen but I’m
working on it. On Sundays, we usually
opt for either leftovers or some kind of Ian’s or Amy’s frozen products like
chicken nuggets or patties, microwavable meals, soup, etc. It is expensive, but still cheaper than
eating out which is what we usually did before.
You’ll feel much more refreshed and ready to go on Monday. Monday’s are usually my cooking days where I
try to get a lot of stuff done in the kitchen.
I usually just feel like cooking, probably because I’ve taken a
10. Use a crock pot.
Though I’m not convinced this saves you time, it does feel a lot better
to prepare the food in advance and then wait several hours while it cooks itself. You can go out and come back with dinner
already ready. I make beef stew, chicken
stew, and pot roast in my crock pot. I’m
hoping to expand my options with my crock pot this year.
Though I’m not convinced this saves you time, it does feel a lot better
to prepare the food in advance and then wait several hours while it cooks itself. You can go out and come back with dinner
already ready. I make beef stew, chicken
stew, and pot roast in my crock pot. I’m
hoping to expand my options with my crock pot this year.
If you’re buying a new crock pot, get a
Hamilton Beach. It is the only one with
nearly zero traces of lead. Other brands
have higher concentrations of lead in the glaze that when heated, releases
right into your food.
Hamilton Beach. It is the only one with
nearly zero traces of lead. Other brands
have higher concentrations of lead in the glaze that when heated, releases
right into your food.
11. Eat
leftovers. We often eat dinner
leftovers for breakfast. It’s usually
chicken and rice. I don’t save rice for
more than 24 hours. It starts to grow
mold quickly. I really don’t save any
leftovers for more than a day or two. I
also use glass Pyrex type containers to store the leftovers so that I can just
pop it in to the toaster oven without using an extra dish.
leftovers. We often eat dinner
leftovers for breakfast. It’s usually
chicken and rice. I don’t save rice for
more than 24 hours. It starts to grow
mold quickly. I really don’t save any
leftovers for more than a day or two. I
also use glass Pyrex type containers to store the leftovers so that I can just
pop it in to the toaster oven without using an extra dish.
12. Use
paper plates sometimes. My daughter
doesn’t always like to use paper plates because she says we’re wasting
trees. I say too bad. Sorry, I’m not super in to saving the
earth. I am in to saving my kids and if
that means saving time on dishes so that I have more time and energy to cook
then so be it. I’m not against going
green. I use cloth diapers for Pete
sake. I figure I’m saving the earth way
more by using cloth diapers, so if I use some paper plates now and then, I
don’t feel guilty. I tell my daughter
we’re saving water by not washing as many dishes.
paper plates sometimes. My daughter
doesn’t always like to use paper plates because she says we’re wasting
trees. I say too bad. Sorry, I’m not super in to saving the
earth. I am in to saving my kids and if
that means saving time on dishes so that I have more time and energy to cook
then so be it. I’m not against going
green. I use cloth diapers for Pete
sake. I figure I’m saving the earth way
more by using cloth diapers, so if I use some paper plates now and then, I
don’t feel guilty. I tell my daughter
we’re saving water by not washing as many dishes.
Is it more expensive to use paper plates?
Yes. But guess what I ask for for
Christmas? Paper plates! A big huge stack of paper plates. When I started doing three loads of dishes a
day, I decided this was getting out of hand.
I either had to hire a dish washer or start using some paper
plates. Now, I do about two loads a day
and my son is responsible for putting the clean dishes away. I also only use the paper plates for foods
that aren’t super hot.
Yes. But guess what I ask for for
Christmas? Paper plates! A big huge stack of paper plates. When I started doing three loads of dishes a
day, I decided this was getting out of hand.
I either had to hire a dish washer or start using some paper
plates. Now, I do about two loads a day
and my son is responsible for putting the clean dishes away. I also only use the paper plates for foods
that aren’t super hot.
13. Organize
your freezer and pantry by food types, etc.
I’m due for a pantry clean out right now. I’ve found this has saved me a lot of time searching for ingredients and
foods. We have 4 freezers so I don’t
want to be searching through all four before I find what I’m looking for. I keep everything for my son who is non-GFCF
in one spot, desserts get hidden and moved around but for the most part they
are underneath a basket in the chest freezer.
Shhh! Don’t tell.
your freezer and pantry by food types, etc.
I’m due for a pantry clean out right now. I’ve found this has saved me a lot of time searching for ingredients and
foods. We have 4 freezers so I don’t
want to be searching through all four before I find what I’m looking for. I keep everything for my son who is non-GFCF
in one spot, desserts get hidden and moved around but for the most part they
are underneath a basket in the chest freezer.
Shhh! Don’t tell.
You’ll save a lot of money too. I
can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought something because I thought I was out
when I really wasn’t. I just couldn’t
find it. By the time I do find it, it’s
usually expired.
can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought something because I thought I was out
when I really wasn’t. I just couldn’t
find it. By the time I do find it, it’s
usually expired.
I also have three pantries. One
has mostly all stuff for my Feingold son.
He knows where to go when he wants a snack. If I don’t want the kids to find something
(cookies for me!), I wrap it in a plastic grocery bag. They haven’t figured this out yet.
has mostly all stuff for my Feingold son.
He knows where to go when he wants a snack. If I don’t want the kids to find something
(cookies for me!), I wrap it in a plastic grocery bag. They haven’t figured this out yet.
When all else fails, order a
pizza! I wish this was still an option
for us, but too many of us are now GFCF. But, Papa John’s Pizza was Feingold approved for
years. A couple years ago, they disappeared
from the shopping guide, and there still is no definitive answer as to
why. It’s likely that they stopped
filling out forms. This is usually a
sign that they’ve added something artificial or a preservative but don’t want
anyone to know. Or, they just don’t want
to fill out the forms anymore. So, eat
at your own risk. I did contact them via e-mail. See the link below for their response.
When all else fails, order a
pizza! I wish this was still an option
for us, but too many of us are now GFCF. But, Papa John’s Pizza was Feingold approved for
years. A couple years ago, they disappeared
from the shopping guide, and there still is no definitive answer as to
why. It’s likely that they stopped
filling out forms. This is usually a
sign that they’ve added something artificial or a preservative but don’t want
anyone to know. Or, they just don’t want
to fill out the forms anymore. So, eat
at your own risk. I did contact them via e-mail. See the link below for their response.
We also do Chipotle, McDonald’s hamburgers or cheeseburgers (no fries or pickles),
Arby’s roast beef sandwiches, Subway, and Five Guys (my favorite) on occasion. Most contain corn syrup and probably MSG.
Arby’s roast beef sandwiches, Subway, and Five Guys (my favorite) on occasion. Most contain corn syrup and probably MSG.
There you have it. If you have any
other things that help you save time in the kitchen, please share with the rest
of us! I don’t want to become a
permanent fixture in my kitchen. J
other things that help you save time in the kitchen, please share with the rest
of us! I don’t want to become a
permanent fixture in my kitchen. J
Look for my new e-book, “All Natural Mom’s Guide to the Feingold Diet” coming August 11, 2014 to Kindle!
Written by Sheri Fortes - Visit Website
Author of "All Natural Mom's Guide to the Feingold Diet"
Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram
The Treating ADHD Naturally Conference is coming back to Chicago May 23, 2018! More details coming soon at www.mothersdetermined.com.

Great post, thank you!
Wow Sheri, you share such good information!! How long have you been doing things this way? I want to get to this point and beyond.
Thanks Jackie! We've been doing Feingold for about 8 years, and gluten and dairy free on top of that for the last 5 years. Some things I started doing soon after starting Feingold but I think adding the GFCF diet and more than 2 kids factor really made me kick it into high gear. Mostly out of necessity. I had to find better, more efficient ways to do things or I wasn't going to be able to feed my kids. But, I certainly didn't learn or start doing all of these things all at once. It takes time. You'll get there eventually. Don't stress yourself out in the meantime. Just do what you can today. 🙂